Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oh these changes....

I love change. I believe positive change is truly spiritual wisdom. I went to a vegan potluck last night and enjoyed it so much, I took one of my favorite raw-dishes and I love making stuff other's will enjoy(Mushrooms stuffed with almond butter, onion, tomato, avocado, lettuce, garlic and seasoned with cayenne pepper, delicious!!). I'm loving life and searching for personal fulfillment. I enjoy the direction my life is going. However, I am struggling right now with someone treating me poorly and trying to make me feel bad about myself. Luckily I have already learned that lesson and my self-worth is based on my own perception of myself. I like me and no man will ever change that, or anyone for that matter. I realized that I love how I feel when I eat healthy and when I thought about it, I don't eat red meat, wow, I was surprised to realize that because I have always been a meat-eater. I will never purchase industrial farmed animal meat or products ever again, it's disgusting and wrong. I don't know how many people's eyes will ever read these words, but it feels good to put them out there with the possibility of others knowing my thoughts....