Friday, December 10, 2010

The Maui Me of Me

I came here to meet myself, to look within myself in truth and live in honesty and wholeness. I have taken the time to begin deep healing of my soul, learned about Reiki and received my first attunement, which has been a blessing on my path and I feel myself drawn towards helping so many people with the magnificent tool of Reiki! I received a number of messages during my reiki session, mostly in the form of flashes and messages my Reiki Master verbalized, all linked by the theme of loss.
Some of the flashes and emotional ties consisted of the following;
I lost a pregnancy when I was 17 with someone I loved very much and had hoped so much I would be with for many many years, I rarely think about this event and was extremely surprised when it came into my consciousness,
The loss of this lover, best friend, and amazing person also came through, I lost him as a partner, I lost him as a friend.
The loss of the many amazing and moving outdoor experiences in Beautiful Alaska I have had, taken too and experienced because of my father that will never be again,
I was also told that I was still recovering from the birth of my son, which in so many ways, mentally, emotionally and physically all hold truth, truths I rarely look at,
All of these losses hold so many emotional strings and tie me to my past so I am working on each issue individually and allowing these things to live in the past and detaching myself from the weight they bare on my present self.
The Labyrinths at The Sacred Gardens; this is a magical place on the mountainside tucked within the mighty trees of Maui, the atmosphere offers so much serenity! As I walked the first labyrinth the other day, after being drawn to them upon waking, The message I received was to simply allow, everything in life, to allow is to let go of all the anticipation and illusion of control, to allow things to flow in and out of my life, without naming or placing them and instead appreciating them in their simplicity, allowing good to flow freely into my life. The second labyrinth was an overwhelming, abundance of love, of all the Love in the world, in each plant, in each moment, in each person and thought and thing. I was open to the love, I am open to all the love in this beautiful world and i am dedicated to surrounding myself with love in each moment and trying my hardest to hold sight of that when I feel myself falling prey to anger. The mere thought of love brings a smile to my face and peace in my heart, try it, it feels good!
I am here, home, by the ocean, surrounded by aloha allowing my SELF to heal, grow and be filled with love.
I eat to satisfy my bodies nutritional needs with foods that promote clarity, wellness and vibrancy; whatever they may be, I don't need a category, I need to be me, vibrant! I welcome the changes that lye before me.
I am here, in my now, to meet myself as my whole-self, no hiding, learning to be kind to myself,
being me, knowing me, loving me, honouring me and allowing others to be who they are on their own path and recognizing that their issues are not mine.
All of my life has lead to this present reality I am living. I am grateful beyond words for my journey.
Love & Light,