The Best Valentines Day Gift Ever
A few weeks ago I was asked to be a chef at the Raw Spirit Festival here in my town. I was so ecstatic at such an honor, I had been working on attracting a way to go to the festival for free and it just out of the blue dropped into my lap! Then I found out that we had a ZERO Dollar food budget and it was my 'job' to find sponsors to donate the food!
I have spent the last few weeks reaching out to the community, farmers and health food stores asking for donations of fresh, raw, organic produce to make a dinner for 150+ people at the Raw Spirit Festival: BLISS CAMP!
I have learned so much about myself in this short time, although this task felt completely daunting and impossible at moments, I realized what an amazing opportunity it would be to prove to myself that I can do anything and do it well!
I slowly collected the ingredients I needed, the night before my dinner someone took half of my bananas and tomatoes out of the kitchen and distributed them! It felt like a huge set back, not only did I figure out who did it, when I asked about it she suggested I use the radishes she donated, oh yes, radish dessert and radish cucumber italiano would be great!! So yes, I was irritated, judgemental and in disbelief that someone would just take stuff of mine that was tied shut in a bag that was tied to another, which had my name written on it!! I had to go home to redirect my thoughts, because I was PISSED! Went to sleep and in the morning knew that no matter the situation, my life is filled with abundance, I created this opportunity for myself, and it is my choice whether it goes well or I stress about it and fail! Failure definitely not my style! So I danced. YES, danced. I cranked up the tunes and danced through my house feeling the joy of success and abundance in my life and after a few hours of that, I was ready, I grabbed the food from the fridge and headed to the festival!
When I arrived the speaker was giving a speech about sending love to those who drive you nuts, irritate you or people you just don't like; okay okay, So I spent some quality time focusing love to this inconsiderate woman and let it go. I felt better and was ready to fulfill my dreams of the perfect meal!
I spent the beginning of the day in full relaxation mode, laid in the 'floating bed,' a suspended tee pee style bed, so cozy and comfortable. Met a new friend who climbed in who turned out to be one of my kitchen helpers (Anna), loved her energy from the moment I saw her. I got an early start on the food and walked into the kitchen with love, confidence, joy and gratitude bubbling from every facet of my being! I organized well, delegated well, the food tasted amazing, all of the food was done by 6pm (right on time) and on plates aka banana leaves! I infused the dishes with reiki, positive energy, love and we all did some tribal~happy dancing to kick the food up a few notches!! It was a beautiful experience, I literally felt high; elated! And I am so ready to do it again!
Providing nourishing foods full of nutrients, love, time and energy is an incredible service to be able to offer my brothers and sisters of this abundant planet. To have their hearts and taste buds tantalized and satisfied is such a wonderful accomplishment.
I moved to Maui to pursue my dreams..And here I am,
I am so blessed and grateful for this experience and all those to come!
It has been a magical wonderland of experiences, emotions and accomplishment!
My Tropical Pudding Dessert, it was oral~gasmic for sure!
My Beautiful Assistants Loving Up the Salad: Sister Cheyenne and Friend Anna
I requested the dressing be massaged into the kale and pohole with love! And they did a most excellent job!
Travinn's autonomy, communication skills and freedom are wonderful things to nurture and how lucky to be in an environment where allowing such things is safe and worry-free; a gift, to both of us. It feels great to allow your child to stray from your side to pursue what interests him. He had someone paint his face, learned to hula hoop, made friends and got to make his own decisions, guided by only himself. Watching as this beautiful young boy determines more and more each day the kind of person he will be is incredible. I am so blessed to be his mother, I learn so much from him everyday, about myself, life, my ideals and the value of patience! I am so grateful to have been a part of such an environment and experience!
During the festival I traded chaga for chocolates, kale chips and an entire case of organic cold pressed coconut oil, met a few connections to pursue wholesale bulk foods, possibly supply chaga to a distributor, and... after my dinner was served a woman approached me looking to see if I would be interested in providing some private lunch catering!! Oh Heck to the YES! Also have other friends interested in starting up some raw food business endeavors, what an amazing part of my journey!! And its only going to get better, I assure you!
Throughout this experience working with the festival I had numerous support and encouragement, but the person who helped me the most and remained my constant supporter is my dear friend Shane. Never did he have a doubt that I was capable of succeeding. He supported me through love, kindness and reassurance each and every day. He spoke the truth and I always knew he would be there for me. He speaks from his heart and I am grateful to have met him, immediately recognize him from the depths of my soul, beginning a certain 'type' of 'girlfriend/boyfriend' relationship, accepting that it wasn't the best situation or timing for either of us, which was a very painful experience, and yet grow together from it; to be friends with him is a gift. To allow attachments to titles and emotions past to dissipate and come to one another in a place of love and sincerity is something I think most people don't allow themselves to experience. Letting go of pain (completely an ego inspired emotion)and allowing yourself to love someone simply for being them, whether they have hurt you or you disagree with what they have done, it is a liberating event in ones life to let it go; also something I learned through forgiveness towards my parents. It is an invaluable tool to create happiness in your own life.
Living in Abundance is key, and reminding yourself at every moment that there is abundance and it can be yours!
The FOOD on Banana Leaf Plates
To have such an opportunity and share it with my sister Cheyenne was so perfect, she is the most wonderful person I could imagine spending much of my time with, she helps me through all things I encounter in life, assists me in the raising of my beautiful child and no one in the world would have been better to be by my side in creating this meal. I am truly lucky to not only have such a wonderful sister, but to have her here with me on this part of our journeys.
Cucumber~ Italiano
Sliced Cucumbers
Kalamata Olives
*Process & Top Cucumbers
Sesame~Ginger Salad
Kale, Chopped
Pohole Ferns, Chopped
Sesame Seed
Sesame Oil
Grapefruit Juice
Lemon Juice
Fresh Ginger Juice
Sea Salt
Tropical Pudding
Ground Chia Seed
*Blend to creamy perfection, allow 30 minutes to firm

I leave this experience with the utmost confidence in all of my capabilities and trust that living in abundance is always available to me.
I am a servant to humanity, to help, to heal, to nourish mind, body and soul.
To make healing foods for the masses.....
Dare I....