Yoga on the Highway
~A Driving Practice~
I Just got home from a 15 hour weekend of yoga teacher training including asana (poses), anatomy of the shoulders and discussion on the Yoga Sutras, I am being so fully embraced and absorbed into yoga as a way of life, opportunities to practice yoga just keep presenting themselves; everywhere.
The studio is about 60miles from my house so let me tell you first about the weather: Ice, Rain, Snow and Dark. Oh, and my car has summer tires that aren't very prone to stopping in the winter... Perfect weather for a Sunday drive right?
Well............................Turns out, it was!
On the drive I felt the initial anxiousness and fear of driving on the roads when it is difficult to see, difficult to not get sucked into the ruts and puddles, difficult not to slide around on the ice, difficult........You get the picture. So deciding to choose skillful action and thought I released those fears, I realized that those fears are like taking a ride on thoughts and emotions about things that don't exist in the present, because what I was worried about was 'what if...'s,' all 'what ifs' are based on the future, not the now so I made the choice to remain in the present, remain in a balanced place and just trust; just be yoga.
I have always loved the metaphor for life that 'when driving on a dark highway, even though you can only see 200 feet in front of you, you trust that the road will be there and keep driving even though you can't see it' and such is life, we don't know the future and we really don't need to. The roads tonight were perfect, I could literally only see maybe 3 feet in front of my car and I released the fear of it and chose to trust that the path will always be there. And be there it was, I arrived home safe, sound and in such a joyous mood contemplating my experience of
Yoga on the Highway
Opportunity for Yoga is everywhere once we are awakened to it.
I am so grateful for my path.
I feel like so many aspects of yoga were present during my drive it can't be considered anything but Practicing Yoga !