28 Days of February Juiciness 2013: My Juice Fast Journey
March 1, 2013 |
January 31, 2013 |
Yesterday completed my 28 day juice fast. I set out to spend all of March drinking fresh green juice and a small amount of fruit juice. I really don't want anyone to see my body, but in the spirit of self acceptance I share my vulnerable self with you; all my scars and ugly parts are a part of me just as much as the pretty parts; so I share without hiding. During January I ate a diet of Fresh Raw Vegan foods, a clean diet to work my way toward a juice fast. Can we feel accomplished or successful if something isn't a challenge or doesn't cause struggle? I completed my juice fast, it was a success, but it was in no way a struggle; it was easy actually so I don't feel that usual pride when something is difficult and you accomplish it anyways. So why a Juice fast? When drinking fresh vegetable juice and even fruit juice you are getting amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that absorb quickly into the body and are utilized to regenerate {heal} the bodies cells, my reasons for doing this were:
- Heal Cervix of 7 year issue with Cervical Dysplacia which became 'high grade'
- Detoxify All of My Body
- Lower Body Fat% aka Toxin Storage Bins
- Have More Energy, was Always Feeling Tired by Mid-Day
- More Motivation & Direction
- More Confidence in Self & Will Power
- Cultivate a Deeper Connection with Self/Spirit
- Clearer Thinking
- Balance between Body & Mind
- Deeper Insight
- More Joy
- Increase the Ease of Manifestations
- Create Healthier, Healing Habits
- More Responsibility for My Bodies Condition
- Accomplishment, Proving to Myself I can do What I set Out to Do
- Strengthening my Will Power
- Release Stagnant Emotions
- Be More Open to Everything
- Increase Creativity
- More Flow With Life; Less Resistance
- Healing Healing Healing
*If you have never fasted before let me assure you it is usually a roller coaster of 'emotional dumping'
~Day 1~ Felt good, drank 2 20oz Juices, didn't need to 'psyche' myself up for it, I just decided to do it
~Day 2~ Drank almost 60oz of Juice, Spirulina Lemon Water, Garlic Beet, Tomato Veggie & Cabbage Pineapple Apple Celery Juice. Had a lot of 'envy' emotions surface, 'why don't I have a family' 'why do other people have what I want' made me sad to see families at movie night with my son, I was jealoussssss. And even though I am happy for people celebrating their pregnancies and their husbands; there is a taste of bitterness inside me that swells up on occasion, today was one of those occasions.
~Day 3~5~ Drank about 50oz of Juice. Plenty of Energy. Today's emotions were very 'loss' oriented, thinking about my Grandma, My marriage, all the other things I've lost. Mind you there was nothing that 'sparked' all these emotions they were just there. Taught a yoga class, felt strong and focused on Bramacharya: Moderation, Celibacy, not over-indulging; a perfect focus for me. Bubble Gum Bubble Gum in a Dish this Watermelon Juice is F*cking Delish! Four day craving satisfied with Watermelon~Mint Juice. Yeah, that made me happy.
~Day 6~ Woke up with absolutely NO energy, started menses which I assume is the reason for it. Was really focused on my time as a mother and how much I want to spend more time with my son than working and acknowledging my deep desire for it to happen.
~Day 7~ Feeling Absolutely Wonderful. The amount of juice i dink had been cut down around 30oz/day. Not hungry for food and not as hungry in general. 'Behind every inner block, painful feeling, every surge of resentment, is a bit of life force waiting to be freed. You can start to see this once you stand back for a moment from the content of your shadow feelings.' ~yoga journal article. Letting my inner light shine and sharing my smile. The first 6 days I had extremely vivid dreams always regarding someone from my past. Last night however I had a dream about New Beginnings and moving forward. It felt like a signal to let go of past failures, relationships, struggles, dis-ease and weight that doesn't serve me. It is time to Begin Anew; Each moment filled with Possibility. Taught my regular Thursday yoga class, it was a blast! Really strong practice, lots of laughter, enjoyed it so so much. Even got a compliment in the middle of class;'Mariah you are a Bad-Ass-Yoga-Teacher,' had so much energy and strength even on the 7th day of a juice fast, had to share the energy with my students. Also had the opportunity to teach Emotional Freedom Technique to my anxiety reduction group; which happens to be a really powerful healing tool. I am so blessed to share my knowledge- doing what resonates most with me, I am a lucky girl. Lucky in so many ways and Determined in all the rest. Determination was freely flowing by this point.

~Day 8~13~ Felt very energetic, let things flow, enjoying the process. Got my 'on the go' containers ready to juice at work for afternoon juice. Began feeling restless; noticing how artificial the life/society/surroundings I am living feels. While at the gym I looked around and it hit me; this is so wrong: driving my machine to an indoor room full of machines to move my body, I should be hauling water and chopping wood and walking through a garden, working the land, this is so artificial the way we are living, it doesn't feel right. Thinking about finding a solution to my thinking, maybe an intentional community or work trade program on an organic farm. Started to get tired of my juices, need some new recipes to last me the rest of the month! "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."~ Carl Jung
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My sissy getting her partner play on |
~Day 14~ Valentines Day! Had an awesome day, I love celebrations. Half-way through the month! Made strawberry~kiwi~coconut water for my Valentines Juice, showed myself some self~love. Taught partner yoga, felt so strong and flowy that i ended up in a balance pose without any forethought, just poof right into it. I felt SO flexible, so strong, so able. I delivered valentines to family, celebrated my nieces 1st birthday; overall an amazing day.'
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Partner Yoga with my mentor, friend, teacher & student Linda |
~Day 15~ So somewhere along the way on this fast smells have become a wonderful treat for me, I am loving them. I have no desire to 'eat what I smell and without that attachment to eating I can truly enjoy smells simply for the lovely olfactory delights they bring; wanting nothing more than what they offer, it's a rare experience really, when we smell food that we like, we usually eat it.
~Day 16~ Hot yoga today for an hour and 45 minutes. It was intense, I did get a little light headed a few times when moving too fast from having my head down to standing up but other than that I felt super energized. Even taught a class right after it.
~Day 17~ Retail Therapy day. My sister ditched me today so I was a bit mopey, because she never does that. But I ended up at the store and since I am a few pounds smaller I went ahead and bought new clothes, it was very satisfying.
~Day 19~ Stocked up with some online shopping for all sorts of mineral rich raw food ingredients and sea weeds so I can continue to heal through nutrition.
~Day 20~ Drinking DARK GREEN juice and loving it. Added Garlic to keep the blood clean and my taste buds satisfied. I have so much energy, feel lighter, more flexible, skin is super soft and clear. Did a new pose today that I have never done before: headstand to crow to headstand, takes strength- thank you low calorie juice!
~Day 21~ 3 Weeks Down! Started my day with Meditation, dry brushing, hot lemon water {creating an alkaline pH so my body can thrive}, high potency protease {protein digesting enzymes,did you know that the shells of cancer cells are made of protein, bust through the shell and the body is able to heal}, yoga, breath of fire, and on to making my green juice! Only one week to go. When we are happy we have more to give, gave it to my students at yoga.
~Day 23~ Went to a natural health all day class, it was so great. Talked about opportunities to help others and I am reminded how much I love doing that. Not hungry at all, smells of foods are still wonderful and still don't make me want to eat. Loving the process!
V7F2~ 7 Veggies & 2 Fruits |
~Day 24~ Inner Dance Studio for All levels intense yoga. Got my sweat on and was absolutely invigorated by the class. Karen and Bruce are absolutely amazing teachers. Also decided to teach a few classes there; it's an hour away from my house so I can't do it a lot, but I am looking forward to doing it when I can plus it will be a very different style than I am used to teaching.
~Day 28~ THE END. The last 4 days just flew by, drank lots of juice simply flowing with it. THE BEGINNING.
*I also did a colonic every 4-5 days, dry brushed as often as I could remember, meditated and did yoga each morning, drank warm lemon water upon rising, took healing and cleansing herbs, stayed positive in all my thoughts and sought continual inspiration.
There wasn't a huge spiritual shift; I find that there was an anu/subtle shift into being more connected to spirit, walking the 'middle way,' simply allowing more divine influence into each moment. I am seeing more clearly what is most important to me; my health, my son and his happiness, my time. I know a job change is in my near future, I have enjoyed my job, but I work with the mentally, emotionally and physically ill. I am better suited to work with the well or at least people seeking wellness. I am constantly helping people who refuse to help themselves, finding freebies for people who don't earn anything while I spend most of my time away from my child so I can afford to take care of us, helping them; it doesn't feel right for me. I am seeking a new avenue to afford my lifestyle with more joy and time for my boy and me.
The Stats:
Area: Amount of loss
Bust: 1.5"
Waist: 2"
Abdomen: 1"
Hips: 2"
Thighs: 3.25"
Arms: 1"
BMI: 2.5
Body Fat %: 5.5%
Body Fat: 14lbs
Weight: 15lbs
* for those concerned about muscle loss peep the 2 last numbers
Additional Physical Changes:
Constant Knee Pain for the past year; Almost non-existent
Ankle Pain every day from an injury 3 years ago; gone
Dry patch of skin on my lower back; gone in the first week
Very soft, hydrated skin
(I will be getting a pap done in 2 months to test for a 'normal' result)
January 31, 2013 |
January 31, 2013 |
March 1, 2013 |
March 1, 2013 |
March 1, 2013
~~~~~~Mindfully Transitioning~~~~~~
"Any fool can go on a fast, but it takes a wise (wo)man to break it properly." -George Bernard Shaw
Preparing for March: Left to Right Mung Bean Sprouts, Sunflower Seed Sprouts, Clover Sprouts, Wheat Berries to make Rejuvelac {a probiotic fermented drink}, Watermelon Juice, V7F2, Spinach~Pineapple fruit leather & Mean Green Crackers. I will be starting off with green smoothies and green soup, a mango will definitely be my first solid bite. |
We are all whole, not the 'holes' we perceive. There is always going to be something you don't have and others do, a difference you perceive as a hole. A difference is not a hole. Focus on how whole you are. In each and every moment you are perfect, whether that moment be filled with joy, delight, sorrow or despair; it is perfect. Do not seek to 'fill' the holes, find within your heart a perfect acceptance of your self.
Be Your Bliss