I am loving Life...Every Minute of it, I am enjoying the tug by the raw foods concept, it just won't stop!!! So I bow gracefully and CREATE!!!!
I am trying to keep my son involved, we began as meat eaters, became mostly vegan, now I am throwing raw at him, thats alot to take in for anyone, especially if your 3!!!
But as fate would have it the other day he wanted to make popsicles, so we blended bananas and strawberries and froze em! So easy and I got about 10 hugs in the process because he was so excited about it! We also juiced some apples after our crop of wheat grass turned out to be 1 drop of juice!!!! Better luck next time I suppose, but he loved the apple juice too!
Enjoy the pictures, they were taken with excitement and a sense of peace in my heart, my son is walking this journey with me and I believe he is as much here for me as I am for him!!!
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