Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~~Home Sweet Home~~

I am home; finally home... a home to call my own.. oh the sweet independence and freedom. I am so proud and humbled. I asked and received. My home is filled with fresh opportunity to further discover the depths of my path.....I love looking out my windows, saying good night to my sweet child and snuggling into my pile of covers...working on it was a bit of a roller coaster ride emotionally, but now I am here and all is well.....I am where I want to be......I have succeeded in my

quest which only brings me closer to my next... this house is my stepping stone and I am so GRATEFUL for it!!!!!!!

We ripped out carpet, painted walls, laid new flooring, slept in a room with just enough flooring for the bed and we love it!!! It's done now and I love the security I step into each time we step into her open arms.

From hopelessness and despair to Pride, Faith, and Certainty. I find myself surrounded by love and friends and I breathe it in with every thought. For the first time in my entire life... Everything is Perfect.

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