Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tsunami of Emotions

Mother Earth, Father Time, Mama Maui, The ME of the NOW

On Thursday I stepped into the clearest Beautiful Waters on the shore of Maui. My usual source of Energy & Vibration wasn't filling me with the usual rush of energy and joy. In fact I didn't go out very far because I had a strange sense of fear or worry & noticing that I wasn't receiving the usual 'good vibrations' I didn't spend much time in it. This struck me as odd and I thought maybe I was just depressed, it was a stressful week after all. I got through the day never shaking the 'hum-drum' mood though.

Then the evening came and I experienced my first tsunami evacuation. We live across the street from the beach and needed to evacuate to higher grounds because tsunami waves as a result of the Japan Earthquake were heading our way. We left to higher grounds, well prepared with necessities; My Loved Ones, Food, Water and Shelter.Looking around the apartment deciding what I actually needed if my apartment were to be destroyed, and gone forever, it was like an epiphany slowly seeping into my being. My Son, My Sister, The Dog {Uno} and their teddy-bears of course, those were the things I truly wanted, the things that mattered. I tend to think logically and when things begin to seep into my logical thought process they tend to reshape my whole life...........................................................I am LETTING GO...............................THINGS THINGS THINGS! I am looking at these pictures of devastation in Japan and my heart aches for the pain of so many. But I am also noticing not just in the aftermath media, but in everything, everywhere, so many things, so many vehicles, so many houses, so much debris, so much extra stuff in our homes, lives, all of these things, these many extra things, too many things, too many things!!......................................And thus the following series of thoughts, realizations and awareness of the past few days..............................I Notice Resonation...................I make decisions in alignment with my Resonation.............I am choosing to let my EGO GO & BE Unconditional Love!..................I can choose every thought and decision based on either fear or love......................Fear is a low vibration holding us back from being our potential selves.................LOVE.............................Love is a high vibration that reaches out, to everyone, everything, our cells, the waters, the planet, the universe, ALL.................................One event, situation or decision does not DEFINE the person, it is simply a choice, made from either love or fear........................................A Lesson in Releasing...........New ideas................................Ah-Ha's...........................Realizations......................................A FlOoDiNg of Emotions....................................Forgiveness....................Using the Key Forgiveness to Shape a Happier more ABUNDANT life and Reality.....................................Unconditional LOVE............................EXPRESSION.....................Hurt, Anger, Disappointment; they happen. Feel Them, Express them, Embrace Them, Release them and allow Healing to take place...................Release.............................I am Grateful for my Avatar Body.....................I embrace my Role as Mother..................I am Living in The Moment for LOVE, for The Universal Whole, for All Consciousness, for Myself and All that IS..........I am Shifting into More Harmony, Awareness & Peace...............LOVE.........I am AwArE...........I am Noticing.......Synchronicity is All Around Me...............ABUNDANCE......................I am Holding Hope.................................................I am OPEN to all answers.....................I am OPEN to All Questions...................I am Open to all Paths.........I am LOVE...................You are LOVE..............................Let US ALL be LOVE..................................


1 comment:

Naturalkandy said...

Beautiful growth and lucid expression of what is too often an abstract thought for people.
You are reality and a better reality than you have ever been before.
Absurdly Thrilled to be on a journey of discovery with you. :)